
Dosage and Timing: Maximizing the Benefits and Minimizing the Risks of Edibles

How long do edibles last is a very hot question that so many ask, and knowing the answer is essential. Edibles can be a great addition to your life, as they can provide a fun recreational experience while still being healthy and safe. However, when it comes to edibles, some risks come along with them if you don’t take proper precautions.

We often hear the phrase, “Every benefit comes with a risk, ” which is valid for edibles. Thus, if you want to maximize the benefits of taking edibles and minimize any associated risks, then you need to understand how long do edibles last, their dosage, and how often you should be eating them. 

This blog post will focus on dosage and timing to help you maximize edibles’ benefits while minimizing risks. So let’s dive in and find out how long edibles last and what you must consider when taking them.

Science Behind the High: Understanding How Cannabis Edibles Affect the Body



Humans have used the plant called cannabis flower for a long time, and it has unique effects that attract researchers and enthusiasts. Although people know about the “high” feeling of cannabis, they may not know how it works.

 To comprehend how long do edibles last and how they can affect you, it’s essential to understand the science behind cannabis.

When we consume cannabis, our body absorbs the compounds found in I,t such as cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. These compounds interact with our endocannabinoid system (ECS,) which is responsible for many bodily functions. The ECS helps regulate pain, appetite, mood, and sleep.

When we consume edibles that contain THC (the prominent psychoactive cannabinoid of cannabis), it binds to the receptors in the ECS and produces a high feeling. From the moment of consumption to the time it takes to feel its effects, many factors affect how edibles work in our bodies. These include: [1]

  • Body Chemistry

Your body chemistry plays a vital role in how long do edibles last. Depending on your metabolism, weight, and health conditions such as diabetes or liver disease, edibles may take longer to activate in your body. Many people report feeling the effects of edibles faster than smoking. This could be attributed to better absorption into the bloodstream.

  • Delivery Method

The delivery method used for ingesting edibles also determines how long edibles last and what type of high you experience. For example, consuming an edible containing an oil-based extract will take longer to digest, and the effects will last longer than water-soluble ones.

  • Type Of Edible

The type of edible you consume also affects the duration and intensity of your high. Edibles that contain more THC will last longer than those with lower doses. Additionally, edibles made with full-spectrum cannabis extract typically offer a more substantial effect than those made with distillate or isolate.

How Long Do Edibles Last | Dosage

Although edibles take longer to produce effects than smoking or vaping, an average dose of edibles can last 6 hours or more; the most potent effects usually occur around 3 hours after consumption. [2]

The strength and duration of the high from THC depend on dosage, metabolism, and tolerance levels. A high dose of THC or very potent THC levels may result in a more robust and longer-lasting high because it takes time for the body to eliminate THC from the system.

The amount of cannabis one can tolerate depends on their tolerance level. If a person is new to cannabis, they may experience more potent and more prolonged effects than someone who uses it regularly, even if they consume the same amount. Tolerance levels can also vary based on how much cannabis a person has consumed within a specific timeframe.

Metabolism could also be a factor. An individual with a high metabolism may experience shorter effects than someone with a slower metabolism.

Typically, the effects of consuming an edible can last for a few hours, approximately 6-8 hours. However, if a person is sensitive, the high may last 8-12 hours, while those with a higher tolerance may only experience it for about 4 hours. [2]

Health Benefits Of Edibles

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, edibles are a straightforward way to introduce cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, to the body. The FDA has not sanctioned cannabis for any medical purpose, but they have authorized using pure cannabinoid isolates for specific limited purposes.

As cannabis decriminalizes in many parts of the world, more research is being conducted on cannabinoids. People have reported that cannabinoids can potentially help treat various conditions. [3]

  • Chronic Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Opioid addiction
  • Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Glaucoma
  • Epilepsy
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Sleep issues, such as insomnia
  • Symptoms resulting from cancer therapy

To prove the safety and effectiveness of marijuana as a treatment, researchers need to keep studying its medical effects.

Risks And Side Effects

Cannabis products are generally considered non-toxic, and the likelihood of a dangerous overdose is very low.

Consuming excessive amounts of THC can lead to unpleasant side effects. A study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy reveals that overindulgence in THC is more probable with edibles. Because, unlike smoking, the body does not provide any indications. Once the overdose symptoms begin, it is too late as the body is already digesting the edible.

Cannabis or THC products can cause several side effects if consumed excessively, such as: [4]

  • Impaired attention and inability to concentrate
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Nausea
  • Shallow blood pressure
  • Muscle contractions or spasms
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Rapid breathing rate
  • Slurred speech or mumbling
  • Panic attacks and severe anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Hallucinations
  • Delirium

If children or individuals who have never used THC products before accidentally consume THC, they may be more prone to experiencing severe reactions.

To minimize the risk of adverse effects, following the guidelines set by the manufacturer is essential. It is also a good idea to start with smaller doses and gradually increase it over time. 

It is always best to consult a doctor before taking cannabis or THC products, as they may interact negatively with existing medications or conditions. A1 Terps is a trusted weed dispensary of high-quality cannabis products, so research before purchasing.


The dosage and timing are compulsory to ensure the effects are not overwhelming. For first-timers, it is best to start with a low dose and wait at least an hour before deciding whether or not they should increase the dose. In addition, understanding your own body’s reaction time is essential in managing THC consumption.

Good quality cannabis edibles with the correct dose are essential to ensure safety and an enjoyable experience. A1 Terps, as a reliable cannabis dispensary, offers a wide selection of products that are lab tested for pesticide-free, accurate dosing and purity. Always read product labels carefully before consumption and remember that cannabis edibles have delayed effects compared to smoking or vaping THC. Contact us if you have any questions!


1. How to recover from edibles?

It is important to remember that the effects of edibles can last a long time, so it may take several hours to recover. The best thing to do is to remain calm and stay hydrated. Additionally, light exercise and healthy snacks may help reduce anxiety or paranoia.

2. Can I take multiple doses?

Yes, but taking multiple doses in one sitting is not recommended. It’s best to wait a few hours and see how your body reacts before taking any more. Additionally, it is essential to remember that different edibles have varying potency levels, so always check the label before consuming them.

3. Are there any long-term effects?

The long-term effects of cannabis edibles depend on the user’s circumstances. Regular, long-term use has been linked to an increased risk of certain mental health conditions, so it is essential to consult with a medical professional if you have any concerns.






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